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Map and Compass Level 1
in Maine Guide School
Map & Compass Level 1
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

Hike, snowshoe, geocache, hunt, and enjoy the woods and fields of Maine with confidence that you can read a topographic map, understand the symbols, know which way a river flows, plot a course bearing, use online resources, and how to get to safety. Familiarization to using a compass and map outdoors included. Students must have a DeLorme Maine Gazetteer, and a 2-degree baseplate compass.
Class meets Live Online by Zoom over two sessions
Instructor: Alice Bean Andrenyak
2 Mondays, 5:30-8:30 pm
March 24 & 31, 2025
Registration: $60
From your Instructor:
I am a Master Maine Guide who has been guiding for over 40 years, running my own full year guiding business (Alice's Awesome Adventures), former Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Guides Board Examiner, and 1:1 trainer. Many current Registered Maine Guides trained with me. I have been a teacher in public education, adult education, online education, and for non-profit organizations since 1968.